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Who else wants an "Amazing" Program?
Themes for your considetation:
The Magic of Reading...Reading motivation
Building Dreams...The ABC’s of Character...Principles of Character
Magic Around the World...Different cultures
Magical Friendship Show...The meaning of friendship
Enviro-Magic...Conserving natural resources
Vegi-Magic...Health and nutrition
The “I Like Me” Show...Self esteem
Beware, Battling Bullies...Defining bullies and their behavior
Holiday Magic...New Year’s, Valentines, Week of the Child, Easter, July 4, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas...just to name a few!
"Fish the Magish kept a room full of three and four year olds captivated for 50 minutes! He was amazing!"
Lisa Wallace- Director- Stepping Stones Preschool, Harrisburg, NC
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