Here is what applause looks like!
“May God continue to use and bless you as you serve Him with the talents that he has blessed you with! The campers and staff really loved you!!!
Neal Peyton, Special Ministries, Baptist State Convention of North Carolina
“What an awesome program!”
Bill Kolb, Emmaus Baptist Church, Siler City, NC
“I don’t recall the last time I enjoyed some really deep “belly laughter” as I did Saturday. Thank you for sharing your ministry with all of us.
Dr. John Rogers, First Baptist Church, Asheboro, NC
“Thank you for helping us at our Senior Citizen Health Fair. We were all able to laugh at the stories, antics, and especially the audience participation.
Donna Pointer, Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Education, NC Cooperative Extension Service.
“Wow, Mike, What a show! You did a fabulous job. The reviews from the crowd have been awesome. Your story lines were perfect as well as your illusions (with an I, smile). Everything was great. Thank you for your witness of God and your work for him. May you be blessed in all you do. Thank you again from me and everyone at HCA!!!”
Sandra Oates, Harrells Christian Academy, Harrells, NC
“Thank you so much for all your hard work Saturday night! You were a HUGE success! Everyone LOVED you! I can't tell you how many compliments I got about your show. I just thought you should know that we had about 500 kids there. According to my numbers, we had about 160 families that were unchurched or visitors! What an outreach! I just want to thank you once again! You were fabulous :)”
April Newell, Mount Harmony Baptist Church, Matthews, NC
“People are still taking about your great performance at Tyson’s Creek Baptist Church! I think our seniors enjoyed it more than the kids! You really did an awesome job. I haven’t laughed that hard in so long! You were great! May God continue to bless you and guide you in all you do!”
Deanna Jones, Tyson’s Creek Baptist Church, Bear Creek, NC
“What an outstanding performance. Everyone is asking about you! They want you back real soon. Our Wednesday night dinner will end soon, but we want you back in the fall. Thank you for your ministry!”
Debbie Sluder, Sharon United Methodist Church, Charlotte, NC
“Thank you for a great performance woven through with “value lessons” full of sincerity and meaning for our young audience of RA’s. The “big kids” enjoyed you also.”
Jerry Wood, Asst. Vice President, Church & Community Relations, Campbell University
“God has given you great talent, and I am thankful that you are using it for God’s glory. We want to schedule you again for next year for family month.”
Reverend Ray Lambe, Asheboro, NC
“We look forward to Fish the Magish’ visit every year. His inspirational message is enjoyed by everyone. He includes all ages and every program includes a spiritual component; that is what we like best. We love “Fish the Magish”.
Angie McKenzie, Barrineau PH Church, Lake City, SC